Tejal Rao May 2022

I always start my
interviews by asking where you’re from and what did you grow up eating? I know
you’re from a lot of places so I’m interested to hear what you’re going to
I was born in
Northwest London but I grew up moving around a lot. I lived in Kuwait, Sudan
and then in France about an hour outside of Paris for a few years. I moved to
the US as a teenager and went to high school in Atlanta. I also spent summers
with my grandparents in Nairobi or in Pune, in India. Everywhere we lived,
there was a lot of food and a lot of time spent together, cooking it. It was
seriously prioritized by my family. When I think about growing up and what my
favorite foods were, it was things like warm ugali with butter and greens or
ful with an excessive amount of olive oil on top. Both my parents cooked. My
dad would make spaghetti with cream sauce if I was being picky. My mom would
make daals, roti and these green beans where the beans were cut really tiny and
fried with garlic and dried chili. On Sundays we usually had people over so we
would cook some kind of roast with potatoes and parsnips or lamb biryani. My grandfather made a lot of
whole fish. I also remember little luxuries like oversized coffee or pistachio
flavored macarons from the pastry shop near my doctor’s office. Or my
grandmother would make pea kachori when fresh peas were in season and we’re eat
them hot out of the fryer with lemon. I could just go on and on.
Wow that’s a lot of
good food. What was your favorite place that you lived growing up?
I remember all of
those places as home but the place that is most vivid to me, the place I think
about most often is France. Maybe because that’s the place where I started
cooking, right when we go there and I was lonely, and I didn’t speak the
language just yet.
Do you have siblings?
I do, I have an older
brother who cooks a lot too. When I was little, in London, my mom had this awful
back injury and for a few weeks she was just laying down. So during that time,
my brother, who was eight or nine, did all the meal planning and cooking for us
The grocery store had these recipe cards and he just made whatever was on the
cards at Sainsbury’s. Things like tarragon chicken salad and jacket potatoes.
So you’ve worked in
restaurants but you’re also a restaurant critic. Which came first, writing or
Cooking came first.
After college I worked in kitchens for a few years. I did know that I wanted to
write but I thought I wanted to write fiction or poetry, and I didn't know that
journalism WAS a possibility until later on.
Did you study writing
in college?
I studied literature
so I wasn’t trained formally as a journalist.
I also studied
literature! I wrote my senior thesis about a cookbook actually.
Which one?
The Alice B Toklas
Oh I love that! I
wrote a piece for the Book Review about falling in love with the intimate,
powerful, direct voice of recipes It wasn’t about a specific cookbook although
I do mention a few in the piece. They were just whatever cookbooks I found
lying around my parents’ house, like the London Ritz Book of Afternoon Tea
which isn't a cookbook I’d recommend but it was special to me because anything
I could get my hands on read was special to me.

So how did you get
into writing?
I had to keep making
money but I really wanted to try writing. So I started a supper club that I
hosted on the weekends and then I cold pitched pieces to publications during
the week. I also did some copy editing and translating jobs. It was very slow
though. It was maybe three or four years of landing just a few assignments
until I got a job at the Village Voice in 2012. That was my break into full
time writing.
I’m interested in how
your got your job at the New York Times, it’s a very specific job, California
restaurant critic for the NYT.
It’s a job that
didn’t exist. I came to the Times as a food reporter but I’d been a critic
before that. I don’t know if it was their plan to make this a job. But after
being there for about three years they asked me if I wanted to move to Los
Angeles and get back into criticism which was a really dream come true for me.
I love reporting and I try to bring that and essay form into the criticism and
hybridize them a little bit. But yeah it was a dream.
I’ve read a bunch of
your pieces this week and it’s funny because you write about a lot of the
things I’m already interested in. I’m from Los Angeles so I don't have the
perspective of to see what it’s like to view LA from afar and the influence it
has on other places. But you do, and you also have this globally recognized
platform to give these special community members an important shout out in a
life changing way. So I’m curious how you think about the kind of power you
have with your writing and how unique it is to people here.
You're right and I
know that it's such a privilege to have this platform and at the same time I
try not to think about that too much.
Too much pressure.
Yeah, I just do the
work and find the stories I’m really interested in and figure out a way to do
them justice. Like whatever the story is about, I just want to write really
warm, true, intimate pieces. I want to write something that has precision,
clarity and emotion and context and not think too much about who’s reading it
or how many people are reading it.
I think you do a good
job. Do you ever hear stories from the people you’ve written stories about?
About how you’ve changed their businesses for the better?
Occasionally I’ll
hear that a place will get really busy after a positive review – which is both
good and bad because maybe the place isn’t staffed for the that. But it’s not
really in my control.
Right it’s like
Anthony Bourdain not wanting to share secret spots.
Right, I don’t think
I have that same kind of influence but every now and then I think something
happens and I’m really happy that a place is getting more business. But then I
also feel really guilty if it’s an issue for them.
That piece definitely
upset a lot of people and I still get emails every now and then from someone
who’s really upset.
Oh my god really?!
I stand by that story
though, I think there are people doing amazing work here and the bagels I wrote
about are wonderful.
I’m personally proud
to hear you say that. I also love the bagels here but I was sad that Belle’s
wasn’t included in the piece.
That haunts me still.
I really like Belle’s.
I’m curious to hear
how COVID has changed the way your report, if at all?
Oh it definitely has.
There was a period of time when I wasn’t going into restaurants at all. Trying
to cover restaurants without being a part of them at all was really difficult.
And then there was a period of time when I was only doing outdoor dining. I’ve
gone through all these different phases and I think as things keep changing I
just have to keep adapting. There’s no one way to be a critic right now.
We’re all adapting now. Have you been going back into restaurants now?
I am going back into
dining rooms now but I’m actually reconsidering that. My colleague Pete Wells
is still not doing stars at the moment, but I wasn’t doing stars to begin
How did you choose
not to do stars?
I just felt like I
had a lot more freedom with the form and could cover a lot more places if I
didn’t have to give them stars. It just made sense to me; I’ve never wanted to
assign them. It just felt like squeezing all the restaurants into the same
system is too difficult for me, I don’t know how to do it.
How long did you live
in New York and how long have you been in LA now?
I moved here in 2018,
and I was in New York for 11 years.
So how do you feel
about the food culture here?
I just love it here
so much, even though most of the time I’ve been here has been during the
pandemic. There’s still been so much going on; people have been working around
restrictions and disinvestment. They’ve just found ways to make beautiful food
somehow; it’s really amazing. I hope I can stay here forever.
I’m so happy to hear
Another thing I love
about LA is that people are so willing to wait in line for good food.

Oh I definitely am.
Yeah me too, I’ve waited in many long lines. It’s part of my job! But I think it’s another example of people finding ways to build businesses in the margins – some people are standing in lines for food being made in a parking lot of or out of someone’s home. It’s of course not ideal and in some cases it’s happening because they can’t find retail space or investors. So I’m happy to wait in line. I think those businesses are an important part of the food scene here.
I wanted to ask you
about your experience with losing your sense of taste and smell from having
COVID. How are you doing now?
I’m actually doing
great, both came back within a few months. I was extremely lucky. But the
process of it happening was really frightening. The day that it happened, I knew
what was happening and I sent my boss a frantic note. I thought I might have to
figure something else out. Luckily I didn’t have to. But there hasn’t been a
lot of research done about loss of smell so I got a lot of emails from people
asking me for advice after I wrote the article about my experience. I did smell
training but there’s no real way to know what worked for me because it’s
Does anything taste
different to you?
No nothing tastes
different but I’m a little more sensitive to tastes now.
Oh yeah, it’s going
really great! It has a lot of subscribers which is amazing because when we
first thought of the idea we didn't know if there’d be an appetite for it. But
I really wanted to do it and so did a bunch of people on my team because we
love vegetarian home cooking.
Are you vegetarian?
No I’m an omnivore
but I’ve been a vegetarian in the past. I was one for about a decade. I still
love vegetarian cooking and I think it doesn’t get nearly enough attention and
care in most food publications. Recipes for vegetarian meals are usually just
sides or sad apology substitute for something else. But vegetarian food wasn’t
that in my house growing up, it was a centerpiece, it was its own thing. And
there’s so much creativity and deliciousness in vegetarian and vegan
Yeah that’s how I
cook too, so I feel that same way. I subscribe to the newsletter!
Thank you! It’s the
most fun part of my week writing that newsletter. I only get to cook a little
bit SINCE I’m mostly out and about at restaurants. So I’m really choosy with
what recipes or techniques I want to make or try. I’m not doing recipe
development anymore, I was doing that when I wrote the Eat column for the NYT

Do you feel any
connection to Jonathan Gold’s legacy or find any inspiration as a food critic
in LA?
I’ve been so inspired
by his work and his writing. This seems almost too obvious to say, but he was
such a brilliant writer. The way he carried you through a story, the language
he used, the pacing – just everything about the writing itself was so good. I
aspire to that in so many ways even if I’m writing about different things than
he did. His work was always a reminder FOR me that food writing doesn’t have to
sound a certain way, and it can do so much more than people think it can do.
Well I think his
legacy is uplifting mom and pop restaurants, street vendors and especially
people in the San Gabriel Valley. And it definitely feels like you are writing
about a lot of things he would have liked, just based on his lists.
Thank you that’s
sweet of you to say.
So is there anything
you’ve eaten or cooked recently that’s you really loved?
Sometimes you make
something and then you want to make it over and over again. Right now I’m
having this weird love affair with a snap pea salad. It’s just sliced snap peas
and radishes with lemon and olive oil, mint leaves and ricotta either on a
thick slice of buttered sourdough or next to the bread. I’m so into how such a
small thing like slicing the snap peas changes everything about them. I’ll
probably get over it in a few days, but right now I’m really into it.