Collaborating with friends
In my job as a private chef I’m usually cooking alone. So it’s very exciting when I have the chance to collaborate with a friend who has a similar food sensibility to me. For my recent pop-up I wanted to create a menu with my good friend Giuliana Sarto. We met last year through the private chef world and have been working together a lot this year in a catering setting so I already knew we worked well together. The process of planning, recipe testing, prepping, and shopping together was so fun and fulfilling. Every pop-up is special, but this one felt especially so because it made me feel proud of the food community I’ve created in LA. 

Poster and menu illustrations by my mom June Stoddard, handwriting by me :)

Scallop crudo, plum jus, kumquat kosho, pluot,  hyssop

Grilled 3 Bean salad + caper raisin vin

Farro flour cavatelli, melted summer squash, creamy sungold sauce, opal basil

Sweet corn semifreddo, apricot sauce, caramel puffed sorghum