a space for meals

I love to gather people for a meal. I’m a private chef and writer.  Read more about my events and services ︎︎︎

a space for interviews

I talk to  women in the food industry with an entrepreneurial spirit whose stories inspire new ways of expressing personal narrative through food. Women I’ve spoken with ︎︎︎

“ The environment that we made the food in [at Esalen] was as much about the food as it was about the whole experience of making it. And that feels really important to me in my business now too.
I always want to create an environment in which nourishment in energy and nourishment in food are both important.“  Lily Chait ︎︎︎

a space for recipes

I published two zines of my recipes! Read about the first one︎︎︎

a space for remembering
I created an archival book with food related ephemera from the pandemic. Read about it ︎︎︎

a space for sharing

I write and reflect on the role food plays in history, community, and joy. Read my published words ︎︎︎

Moonbeam Kitchen is where I share my creative food events, projects, conversations, writing, and offerings. Read more ︎︎︎